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eri christine

Hi gorgeous girl! I’m excited to share with you the beauty, fashion, fitness and food that bring me joy. We should love and celebrate the blessings we are and have. I hope to help you find your inner and outer gorgeousđź’—I love adding my own touch of fabulous on a budget., pub-4656626649306509, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

My journey has been evolving since I started this blog as The Dirt Road Divas in 2018.  Fun fact – I do actually live on a very long dirt road! I then started my YouTube channel in 2019 and began posting weekly mid 2020 as Fire Over Fifty. I had started as a beauty / lifestyle channel for women over fifty. As I began posting more videos, I realized that my true passion was in fitness and activewear, with a little beauty on the side!

I had been struggling with how The Dirt Road Divas and Fire Over Fifty could co-exist. I loved them both so much! As my YouTube channel began to refocus, it all came together. Eri Christine (my first and middle names) was born! My prayers had been answered and my heart is so grateful that I am able have both of my platforms together at last!

Thank you so much for stopping by to visit. I hope that you find inspiration and a smile from a post this blog. Have a gorgeous day!

My daughter Shina and I hiked section 5 of the Colorado Trail in August – 14.4 miles!

Here’s our little ranch: