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beauty room tour

beauty room tour

Hi gorgeous girls! I finally recorded and posted my second video. I had just completed the 7-day YouTube Influence Challenge with the Think Media team and they inspired me to punch fear in the face and get recording and posting!, pub-4656626649306509, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

If any of you are even thinking about starting your own YouTube channel, please check out Think Media’s channels – Think Media, Video Influencers and Sean Cannell. Sean Cannell and Heather Torres and the rest of the team are seriously awesome! They offer so much deep content for free – everything you need to get started including equipment recommendations and tutorials, getting your channel set up, how to record your videos and getting them ranked. If you like podcasts, they also have one which features lots of great interviews and YouTube insights to build and grow your channel.

So here is the video I made during the challenge – my beauty/filming room tour! I am hoping this is helpful for new YouTubers, especially in the beauty niche. I purchased a lot of my items on Craigslist and on clearance. I will be updating this as my room and filming equipment evolve.

I will be adding a post with details on my equipment. Links are in the description of my video.

Best wishes on your new channel!

