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friday fives – summer reads

Friday Fives - Summer Reads, pub-4656626649306509, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Welcome back to Friday Fives – Summer Reads edition. Today, we’ve featured five books on our summer reading list.

While these books are very different, I love that they all have women authors. I can’t wait to start reading!

I loved The Interestings and am so excited to read Meg Wolitzer’s new book:

Meg Wolitzer’s latest novel focuses on Greer Kadetsky, a shy college student whose life gets turned upside down when she meets Faith Frank, a dazzling and powerful figure in the women’s movement who offers Greer the chance to veer off the course she’d previously thought her life would take. As Greer follows Faith down an exciting path, she finds herself struggling to reconcile her ambition and drive with her love for her longtime boyfriend Cory.

Buy at Amazon


As a Cali girl at heart who also loves Scottsdale, Mr. & Mrs. American Pie, had to be on my summer reading short list:
Maxine Hortence embodies all the qualities a 1969 Palm Springs housewife should aspire to. Still, her husband walks out on her. But she doesn’t go gentle into divorcée-dom. Maxine relocates to Scottsdale, Arizona, where she enrolls in the Miss American Pie pageant — a pageant Maxine is decidedly unqualified for. The Miss American Pie pageant awards the nation’s best wife and mother. So to win the award, she’ll also have to make up a family. In a word, Juliet McDaniel’s debut novel is hilarious. You won’t forget Maxine’s biting first-person narration, along with the Scottsdale neighbors pulled into her antics, anytime soon.

