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healthy chocolate berry muffins and new tone it up challenge!

tone it up healthy chocolate berry muffins
Karena and Katrina from Tone It Up

Hi girls! Brrrr, fall has definitely arrived! While part of me is saying “yay, bring on the sweaters and coats” another, hopefully stronger part is saying “you still want to feel great wearing them!”. As usual, Karena and Katrina from Tone It Up to the rescue! Their 31-day challenge is beginning today and you can sign up for free here. There are daily workouts, a great free app, recipes, prizes and lots of support. To get started, I’m sharing one of their really popular recipes, chocolate berry muffins, pub-4656626649306509, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0




These muffins are so yummy and healthy! Plus they are easy and fast to bake up so you can enjoy them in no time. You can swap out the chocolate protein powder for either vanilla or coconut (yum) to change it up.

I’ll be sharing a recipe from the Tone It Up nutrition plan once a week through the challenge. There are so many yummy recipes it makes it easy to stay on track. I really love that the nutrition plans include vegetarian and vegan options.

The Tone It Up app is awesome and its free! You have the daily workout for the 31 Day Challenge literally at your fingertips. You can also join Studio Tone It Up for a monthly fee for daily studio classes. I love the daily workouts and studio classes as they are easy to fit into my schedule as they are 20-30 minutes. And, they are fun and effective. I actually look forward to seeing what the daily move and studio class is going to be each morning!

I don’t have any affiliate relationship with Tone It Up, I just really love Karena and Katrena’s approach to fitness and life and want to share it with you.

Ready, girls? Let’s do this! Hey, and at least it won’t be as hot:)



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