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summer tone up – let’s do this!

Summer Tone Up

I am so excited – Summer Tone Up starts tomorrow! Its a free 6-week fitness and lifestyle  challenge with daily workouts, motivation and tips, fitness challenges and recipes., pub-4656626649306509, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Girls, want to join me? You can get your FREE Summer Tone Up starter kit here. There is also a great app, (IOS and Android) where you can get your free daily toning moves wherever you may be. There are also additional daily Studio and on-demand classes on the app which require a membership. You can just use it for the free daily toning moves workouts for now, you can wait for when specials are offered on the studio classes. There is also a 7-day free trial to try it out.

if you haven’t heard about Tone It Up, Karena Dawn and Katrina Scott are two BFF’s who started this fitness brand in 2009. They live in Manhattan Beach, California and bring the beach right into your home:) Tone It Up offers workouts, nutrition plans, their own branded organic protein and other merchandise.

Karena and Katrina just opened their boutique with lots of super cute workout apparel and bikinis. Don’t want to wait to get your protein and workout gear shipped? You can get it Target, yay! Prime member? Amazon has got you covered!


I really love the Tone It Up recipes! They offer variations on their nutrition plans to fit most diets – vegetarian, vegan, pescetarian, gluten free, etc. There is a one-time fee, but you then have access to all future nutrition plans. Plus, you get an awesome Lifestyle Kit!

See you on the mat tomorrow!

PS – stay tuned for the un-boxing of my Summer Babe Bundle!

disclosure – I am not affiliated or sponsored by Tone It Up and do not receive any compensation from the Tone It Up links. I just really love K&K and their fitness philosophy and want to share this with you:)  The Dirt Road Divas is monetized in part through the use of affiliate links. for Target and Amazon. This means that if you were to click on a link and/or purchase an item after clicking on a link, The Dirt Road Divas may receive a percentage of the sales price. I only recommend products that I love and use through my affiliate links. Thank you for your support!

