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cranberry apple marshmallow salad

cranberry apple marshmallow salad

If you’re like me and still haven’t decided on all the dishes you will be serving for Thanksgiving, here is a really easy and really yummy recipe for cranberry apple marshmallow salad. I love cranberries, but it seems that no matter how I prepare them, I have almost the whole bowl to myself. Be prepared for an empty bowl!, pub-4656626649306509, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

This recipe uses whole, fresh cranberries, so you are getting that goodness! Adding apples and marshmallows will help with the full, not touched bowl issue. Advance prep warning – the chopped cranberries need to macerate in the sugar for 3 hours.


Chop an 8 ounce bag of fresh cranberries in your food processor. If you don’t have a food processor, you can fine chop by hand.

Combine the chopped fresh cranberries with 2/3 cup sugar in a non-metallic bowl. I used fine sugar just so that there isn’t any graininess. Cover and chill for 3 hours to macerate the sugar into the cranberries.

Add the chopped apple and pecans, pineapple and marshmallows to the cranberries.


Whip the heavy cream, if using. Fold in the whipped cream or vanilla yogurt into the bowl.

Garnish with cranberries, apples, marshmallow and pecans and enjoy!





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