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doggies Eat recipes

sweet potato apple dog biscuits

sweet potato apple dog biscuits
Cali and Misty

Happy National Dog Day! Although I have to say, I do believe it is celebrated on a daily basis here – and I’m sure your pups agree! I baked up some healthy, Cali and Misty approved sweet potato apple dog biscuits. They are are easy mix up and make your house smell like apple pie., pub-4656626649306509, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

We even used apples from our yard!

To start making the biscuits, dice a sweet potato and one large or two small apples (organic preferably). Gather the other ingredients, oats, flour, parsley, an egg and olive oil.

Place the diced sweet potato and apples in a large hot skillet along with a some olive oil and a cup of water. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Cinnamon is great for reducing inflammation in dogs as well as humans. Plus it tastes and smells divine! Cover, and let steam, adding water about 1/2 cup at a time as needed. I ended up using 3 cups of water. Steam until sweet potato and apple are tender. I then pulsed in my food processor just a bit to make smaller chunks.

Combine the ingredients together, adding up to another 1/2 cup of flour as needed. The dough should be fairly dry.

Roll out on a floured mat and cut out in your favorite (or your dog’s favorite) shape. Add additional flour to the top as rolling out if sticky.

Place the biscuits on parchment paper lined baking sheets and bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 20-25 minutes.  Flip the biscuits and bake for another 5 minutes.

I hope you and your doggies had a wonderful day today! Give them a hug for me:)

